SwittersB & Exploring

Welcome to SwittersB

About SwittersB’s Blog

SwittersB & Exploring (Originally SwittersB & Fly Fishing)

SwittersB’s Weblog was started to share my passion for fly fishing and the associated pursuits of fly tying, travel, camping and photography. I love stillwater fly fishing and the magical flow of streams and rivers, as well. The older archives have a multitude of post re fly fishing, fly tying, how to stuff. The information is timeless so please explore the archives too.

You will also notice I like to take photographs. By no means am I suggesting any expertise. I just enjoy clicking away what the eye catches along the way. Often it won’t have anything to do with fishing.


“Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof”  (Liberty/Independence Bell Inscription)

215 thoughts on “About SwittersB’s Blog

  1. I thoroughly enjoy your stories that you tell using pictures or photos. Whether flowers, fish fly tying or the outdoors they are inspiring to view and enjoyable to read. A while back you did some photos of Jim Cope’s damselfly and dragonfly nymph patterns that I find intriguing and would like to pursue more details about Jim and his patterns. I understand that Jim has passed away and would like to think there are at least parts of his legacy around to explore. Would you have any more details or suggestions as to where to search?


  2. Hello!
    I was hoping to reach out to you and ask for some information, if you could please get back to me that would be super helpful thank you so much!


  3. Please contact me as soon as possible. I have information that you need regarding the stone house in Skamania County.


  4. I enjoy carrying a camera to capture things I see along the way. Taking photos is so much fun.
    I’m not a professional photographer either–all I have is a “Point and Click” camera with a built-in zoom lens.
    From time to time, I think about buying a SLR camera, which can do a lot more.
    BUT if I do that, then I will have to actually sit down and read instructions. 🙂


    1. So very true Mary…I still peruse those owner’s manuals trying to understand the intricacies of the camera beyond ‘point and click’. I took a class last year, in which the instructor only allowed Manual Mode…oh my, but it does slow one down in the moment and make one a bit more creative and thoughtful about the shot. Nice to do both for sure. I have a little point and shoot camera that I carry along with the bigger camera and tripod. I use them both equally.


  5. Greetings, What months were Volumes 1 and 2 of your Christmas Island adventures in? I was there last March and I am going there in March of 2017. I enjoyed Volume #3.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Andy….it has been several years since I was there…..April 2007 as I recall. It was a surreal experience for me. So happy for you that you are returning to the magic!!! Enjoy the adventure and thank you for visiting SwittersB!


  6. I am not a fan of fishing, but I am a fan of water and the world under water! And a big fan of photography too! 🙂

    I am looking forward to future posts of you!

    Kind regards,


  7. Hi SwittersB—thank you for visiting my blog and for wanting to follow along–I look forward to perusing your blog as I greatly enjoy the out of door—and do a good bit of fishing with my husband all be it freshwater lake fishing.
    We visited Oregon a year ago and I fell in love –we flew into Portland, rented a car and visited Mt Hood, Sisters, then up along the coast for about a week—absolutely beautiful!
    Again, thank you for stopping by—a very happy New Year to Oregon from Georgia with love—Julie


  8. Thank you for your visit and your review of my book. I would love to try fly fishing one day. I have grown up on the rivers and lakes of NC and as far as I know I was the only person who ever skipped school in 6th grade to go fishing. 🙂 It’s not so much the catching as it is the outdoor experience. I love being by the water, any water. It’s very stress relieving, not to say it isn’t fun pulling in a five pound large mouth. Luckily for them I always throw them back now. Great blog man and thanks again! – JM


  9. Hey! I have nominated you for The Liebster Award! I bet you are quivering in excitement 😀 On a serious note, you don’t have to accept this award. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog. In fact, your photography is some of my favourite on WordPress! I would love for you to pop over to my blog and come celebrate! There will be imaginary champagne and lots of glitter! http://insidethelifeofmoi.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/my-big-fat-award-ceremony/


        1. That is a bit mind boggling, but I admire you for organizing all that. It is a lot of effort at such a level. I did kind of feel like watching the Oscars and seeing the same person run up on the stage for best actor all the way down to best film from a high school under 200 students. 🙂 All well deserved. Thanks again.


  10. Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for your lovely photos and creative commons licensing. I used one of your images to create a watercolor painting that I am donating to a Project Healing Waters 2-Fly Tournament and Fund Raiser happening this weekend at Rose River Farm in Syria, VA. Here is a link to the painting (it is 8″ x 10″, watercolor) on my web site: http://carolepivarnik.com/ccpart/portfolio/finesse/

    P.S. I’d love to give you a print of it as a way of saying thanks for such a great and inspiring photo, but no idea where to send it. Please contact me (see my Web site) if you’d like to share an address for that purpose.


    1. Carole I am awestruck by the beauty of your work. How amazing, from a personal perspective and an artistic perspective. Thank you so much for your efforts to serve Project Healing Waters. I would be honored to receive a print as well.



  11. Good stuff here — words, photos, and everything else. So much reality in one place. I’m guessing you live in Oregon or thereabouts. I do too, so I get that homecoming feel as a bonus.


  12. Gazza, maate, why on earth would you follow me after reading those 2 posts?? Always curious about where you random followers turn up from, such an interesting part of the blogging experience to me.

    You’d love it where I live man, Port Hedland in the north west of Western Australia as some of the best fishing in the world, 8m tides and massive Barramundi, right up your alley…sorry, but you won’t hear much more about fishing from me as that’s about as much as I can talk about it without wanting to stab myself in the eye with a pencil.

    Write on, I say, write on!

    Respect REDdog


  13. Hey SwittersB
    My name is Ryan. I own a company that makes and sells a very cool fishing multi tool called ‘The Kombo Tool’. It is a fish ‘bonker’ with a fillet knife hidden inside. It has a built in sharpener and a gut spoon…..and it floats! We were featured on uncrate.com a few months back and since then have had a crazy response. I came across your blog while online and was wondering if you would like to review it? I always like to know what other fishermen think about it and we would love the exposure. We also have a few videos on youtube demonstrating the toughness and quality of the knife. Let me know and i will ship you one right away. Thanks!


  14. I went through your Blog…very nice! Although I’m not a a ”fisherwoman”, I think that what else you present here is truly interesting. So i follow you too…thank for your visit on Migration-X3 and following me! Have a nice Friday.


  15. Thank you ever so much for liking my post today on Tide Line Still Life. I have enjoyed perusing your site, although the one about your ‘flood’ hit a bit too close to home. Last night we had a major leak that required about five shop vacs full . . . On the third floor. Ugh. Damage amazingly minor, but the clean-up is a bear.
    Again, thanks for stopping by today. Your ‘like’ and my subsequent look through your site have made my day!


  16. HooOoooOOOooWWWWwwwwLLLLLLoooooooo! Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog post! You are always very welcome on the icy world of Europa 🙂 The Icewolves of Europa welcome you… You have a great site here, and from your photo as well as how you come across in your fine posts, I think you’re probably a great guy too 🙂


  17. Thank you so much for your follow! I will return the favor. We both seem to like photography. I am very amateur and I really like editing almost as much as I like taking the photos. I love your pics!


    1. Thank you for the compliment and I look forward to your visits and I enjoy the editing too. I don’t know if you are familiar with Leanne Cole Photography, but she is very helpful re the whole creative process of editing.


  18. I’m not a fly fisher, though it’s beautiful to watch. I fish from a boat or a dock at the cottage and these days it really only catch and release. Looking forward to browsing through some of your photos.


  19. Thank you for visiting my little blog! I was just scanning through your entries and, although I’ve never been fishing, I love all your photos and the variety of entries. It’s all very interesting.


    1. Thank you Linda for commenting. Every blog is a thing of inspiration as we all grasp at something fun, inspiring, self satisfying. Keep going and visiting.


  20. My goodness, you’re handsome.. 🙂 lol.. anyhow, I live in the Caribbean, born and raised in Antigua, and have only been fishing a handful of times, but I believe you would enjoy fishing down in these parts.


  21. Gary, I just saw “Three Oaks, Michigan” on your front page and had to ask: Are you from Three Oaks? If so, that’s a crazy big coincidence, as I live “right up the road.” Let me know.


  22. I am enjoying reading your blog! I hope to visit some of places and do some of the things you have done. I’m glad you enjoyed my posts about Costa Rica. I am just getting started with my blog, Dabble. Thank you for checking it out!


    1. My pleasure. Your photos were beautiful and you travel information re the resort was truly informative. Thank you for dropping by and commenting…much appreciated.



    1. Thank you Denise! I am honored for you to say that. If you go down the right side of my blog roll you will see a photography section. Many of those fly fishing photographers are exceptional. Thank you for visiting and commenting too. Means a lot.



  23. SwittersB, I enjoy your blog probably the most of all the blogs I follow. You capture my passion for fly fishing in almost every photo. I find some of your post very inspirational. With that said, I have nominated you for the “Beautiful Blogger Award” I am sure you are nominated quite often for blog awards and I completely understand if you don’t participate. But if you do wish to pay it forward here are the rules. 1st, thank the person who nominated you, 2nd post 7 things about yourself we don’t already know, 3rd pay the award forward to 7 bloggers you follow and lastly 4th post the award image on your site. Thanks again for your wonderfully beautiful blog.


  24. Gary, thank you for stopping and liking a recent post on my blog. I am pretty excited to begin following your blog. I am looking to get active in fly fishing and this will be great for me as I begin to take time in this endeavour.

    Take care,



  25. I would like to nominate you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. Check out my blog for further details and to accept the award. If you do not want the award, please let me know. Congratulations!


      1. It is hard to keep up with them sometimes. I haven’t posted the instructions on my blog yet, I’m still looking for more worthy blogs. I hope to have it up by tonight. Congrats again!


  26. Hi there, I do not fly fish, although fishing was a passion of my dad’s and I have many good memories of time spent with him in our family fishing adventure days. I came here because you read my blog and clicked like, so I was curious. One of the things I most enjoy these days is reading about worlds that are different from my own, yet similar in depth of soul. I loved reading about your balancing tattoo, (great piece by the way) and the thoughtfulness that went into it’s creation. I look forward to reading more. Thanks for stopping by – Beth from middlescapes.com


    1. Thank you Beth….I too like the words you write on your journey of elder care. I found you via my good friend at Let’s Talk About Family.


  27. I love your blog and you have a lot of content relevant to my readers………..I have a link to your site on my blogroll, was wondering if you could put one up to mine?




  28. I just linked you on my website. Thanks for the plug with the Chubby Chernobyl Norm. I would be really happy if you linked my blog on your links area also.


  29. GM,
    I found a photo taken on the bank of the Sandy upstream from Dodge. Your old backpacking partner wants to get in touch.


  30. Hi Gary;

    I must say your site is amazing! I am thoroughly enjoying it! I have constructed an article about making Scandi style shooting heads and the Turbo Spey cast. Might I publish one of your fine photos in it (giving you credit of course). Its for a non-profit salmonid conservation magazine.

    If you email me back I can show you the picture (D perfect reason spey casting works 2009 on Clackamas River with Matt McCrary) and perhaps beg you for a higher resolution shot for the mag.

    Bill B (aka Silverleapers)


  31. Gary,

    Thanks for the blog roll link; it’s much appreciated!

    Great site – keep up the good work. I’ll be back as I get my “tying mood” back on.



    Jessica McGlothlin
    Fire Girl Photography


  32. I think I would rather be holed up in a warm bed somewhere with a good looking fisherman than be out on that frozen crap. OMG How do you justify doing that?



  33. I have just found your site when I Googled for “Slip Indicators”. It took me a while to work out
    how to access the archives and now all I want is email notification of updates, so I have ticked the box below.
    I look forward to a long association.
    Cheers, from Tasmania.


    1. Well, welcome Heppy,

      Thank you for stopping by and negotiating the routes. If at anytime you wish to offer up your experiences, I would enjoy receiving. Also, you are probably aware of this, but Steve Dally over at Mountain River Journal http://mountainriverjournal.wordpress.com/ is also from Tasmania. His site brings much to the table from down South, Arkansas that is. http://splasheswithfishes.wordpress.com/

      Cheers, from Oregon



  34. I would like to acquire limited rights to use the oil soaked pelican picture posted on June 4th. can you contact me about how to do this. Thanks – Tony


    1. Contact the Associated Press and ask them to put you in touch with a last name of Riedel, who contributed the pic to the AP. You will see the same pic used by many sites, but I took it from the AP and the photo is attributed to last name of “RIEDEL” Best wishes


    1. Hello Sarah,

      What a wonderful tribute and a great deal of effort! I am honored to have been part of the Father’s Day Celebration!



  35. Hello Creek,
    I used to successfully fish below the dam and have many memories of fishing alone from just below the dam down to the Slaughter Hole. I approved of the removal as the dam provided little in the way of power or flood control. Amazingly, I have not ventured up there since they removed the dam to see what the river looks like now. I assume the PGE access road from above is still open. It will be interesting to see how the runs disperse now that the dam has been removed. I would encourage anyone near to explore and fish from the Revenue Bridge (crosses Sandy R. just out of Sandy, Oregon) up above where the Marmot Dam used to be. I did post re this before and included a local blog’s posted time lapse video of the dam’s removal. https://swittersb.wordpress.com/2010/02/14/sandy-river-marmot-dam/



  36. I have heard that the Metolius is a great place for fly fishing. After viewing the pictures of the river I am convined that I need to make a trip up there and try it out myself.


    1. Junior,
      If you haven’t yet, also explore the Fall River, Crooked River, Deschutes River (middle section below Lower Bridge). Good Luck.



  37. Hello –

    Found this great photo on here of ‘Fly fishing – Tony Munchy & SwittersB (Dad) on Crooked River 1991’. We would like to request permission for our upcoming Father’s Day feature for The Good Men Project.

    Our idea is to create a collage with images of fathers from the past 100 years. (See the attached sample). When you click on the image a very short story or caption will come up about the image along with a link to direct you to the picture’s source (your site). We thought this would be a great way to portray fatherhood from the stance of a wide variety of people, as well as link back to people who are talking about fathers/fatherhood in their blogs or other places online.

    It is our hope that you would like to participate in this project by giving us permission to use your photo along with any other additional information you’d like to include in the story and site you’d like to link it to (if it differs from the original).
    We have a loyal following of 100,000 people through our website and social networks so this has the potential to reach a lot of people.

    If you would like to be a part of this, please reply to this letter with your OK. We will send you the finished piece for final approval before publication.


    Website: http://www.goodmenproject.org/

    The Good Men Project. It’s a book. A movie. A national discussion about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century. A series of live events. And an online platform that covers Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and a slew of other sites. It’s also a part of the Good Men Foundation, a registered 501(3)c charitable organization designed to help men and boys at risk. And in the works are a 1) second book 2) adaptation of the first book into a theatrical production 3) second movie. Our hope is to continue to grow and sustain the conversation about “What it means to be a good man?” through a variety of media channels.

    On June 1st The Good Men Project blog will switch over to become a full online magazine.

    Thank you,
    Sarah Hurley
    Good Men Media Inc.


    1. Dear Sarah,

      I would be most honored….but, oh my…did I spell it Munchy? (my childhood nickname) I must correct that to Muncy. Thank you for the consideration.

      Ok..I reviewed…I used that Crooked Pic on 3/7/08 and 9/1/09…seems I did not write Munchy in the photo credit…so perhaps you have an inside source re my childhood nickname?

      Thank You,



  38. Shh! They’re sleeping

    Not sure if it is successful or not…not sure what to compare to. But, I have a sense it has interest because I try to share the lesser known blogs/sites from here and abroad. For personal reasons I cannot spend time on the water now and that limits the most enjoyable part..the fishing and photography…the withdrawal has taught me how deeply it is ingrained in my mind to fish. Tying helps but begs the need to use the flies. I appreciate your visits and comments. I am thankful for those like Creek who contribute a real touch to the technical stuff and for the fun comments of everyone that visits. Truth be told the sharing of others talents is the most fun part…finding them and sharing them.


  39. Melanie….thank you for visiting. I would suggest, for individual attention, identify a fly shop(s) near you and visit to see the vibes you get. Ask if they have any fly tying classes, casting classes, workshops, fly fishing clubs, or involvement in habitat-fisheries projects. Go on outings..don’t be shy. Many shops have DVD’s to rent that touch upon facets of the sport (tying, castiing, nymphing etc.)

    Also, visit here on a regular basis and explore the current and prior posts for useful information for beginners. The blogroll down the right side of the blog is full of excellent resources. Write me with any additional requests re gear, locations or shops. You are pretty close to River City Fly Shop in Tigard too, owned by Don Nelson. B is for Bumpatter.


  40. Well, David, I am not sure…I know how far my friends and I have come, but I know it pales in comparison to most popular FF blogs. But, SB has done ok for a beginner’s resource (by highlighting the exceptional writers out there). Always thanks for the kind words and visits.


  41. Rudy votes Hot Babes! I will take it under advisement. Thanks for the kind comments and re reels. I can attempt to locate a comparison article for you. I have predominantly used Ross Reels, but have Lamson, Loomis and Orvis reels. For a beginner, that is not sure of the investment, a nice reel can be had for around $100. US. factor in a line and you are in for $150.00+ Shop around. Even cheaper reels can be had for line holding, but eventually you will want to move up. Also, factor in spare spools for different lines. The spare spool generally is half the reel price. So, you can do the math of spare spools and additional lines etc. It can add up. If you do trout/stream fishing you can get by with just the reel and the floating line. Lakes would, I recommend, at least 3 lines. I will look around for a good article re reels. If you find one let me know. Sexist material…until I decide on whether to open Pandora’s Box, Moldy Chum usually has a babe or two lurking about. Again, thanks for the comments.


  42. http://www.west-fly-fishing.com/entomology/mayfly/march-brown.shtml This is a good place to start JJ. Westfly provides a good basic understanding of the March Brown. “In the far west, such as Oregon’s Willamette Valley, they usually start about the first week of March, although they can be earlier or later depending on the warmth of the weather. On the Willamette, McKenzie, and other Oregon rivers, March browns are beloved by local anglers even though the bugs often hatch in godawful weather.” Westfly


  43. Okay, so after enjoying your blog for the past two months or so, I have added a link to your blog from mine. I hope that is cool with you, if not let me know. Keep up the great work!



    1. Dear KC…I would be honored and I will take a good look at yours too…like that Griffith’s Gnat with the Parachute Post…With your permission, I would like to highlight some portion of your blog that would be beneficial to beginners.


    2. Thanks, I really like the black-post Griffiths. We discovered that they were easier to see at dusk then the traditional white post version. It has become a staple in both my midwest and western fly boxes. I would definitely be open to you sharing posts from blog for the sake of the beginners, and am glad you liked it.

      Thanks again,


  44. Best of wishes for the coming year Switters! I’ll be here drooling as never before no doubt.
    Happy New Year….tight lines!


  45. Well, Creek thank you. I lay all the credit to the consumers of the wit and wisdom of soooooo many amazing bloggers out there that I unabashedly borrow form and highlight….the energy and vitality they bring to the sport is energizing. I, like yourself, am bound to duty, commitment and love for my giver of life. The rivers call me like an old lover…tempting and awaiting. Soon, I will be back waving the magic wand awaiting the tug and the moment. That galvanizing moment that proves so many suspicions about life and our place in it….Thanks for the compliments and numbers aside, the blog is exciting because of all the discoveries I make and am excited to share. Such nice people out there….

    Back At You,



  46. Thank you for writing Isabelle and for your comments. Creekwalker does not have her own blog. She has kindly offered to write now and then for this blog. Friends have often encouraged her to chronicle her recollections of life in Montana and the assorted characters and life events she has encountered in a book or journal. I am fortunate to have her share here. Her friends encourage her with suggestions from their recollections as well. I appreciate you visiting here and I always want it to be the perfect stop for the beginner fly fisher or fly tier. Tattoos are a leap of taste, so to speak, but for those that enjoy they are here and limited to fishing or some connection to fishing. Please continue to visit as your busy schedule allows.



  47. The site is now on my favorites, and I must say I like what comes off your bench! Do you guide? Kelly Wallace turned me on to the site, and I gotta tell you, I think you got a hell of a good thing here. I am no newbie by far, but I actually learned something today! Wife thinks I am just stupid and wants me out of the house so she can turn up the music. I am “forced” to go to my shop and tie flies. Hell what a life! Woodstove, nice light, good seat, lots of materials, spendy beer in the outdoor fridge. I’ll just have to find a way to endure it! That is until I can get out on the Clark Fork or the Bitterroot. Fun to read Creek’s writing! Thanks for a good experience!

    Bobby Hamilton
    Alberton, Montana


    1. Bobby…Thank you for the kind words. No, I have never guided. I taught evening fly tying classes and a couple Saturday workshop sessions…but not on the water guiding. I entertained the idea of a beginners on the river effort for a local shop (NWFFO) but realized I would not be able to make the commitment that guides must make…I have the most enormous respect for a guide. I don’t know what to say about what has befallen you at home. The drives to and from the shop must me unbearable. All you can endure until the runoff is over and you can once again gain permission to wet a line. Thanks for visiting and I am relieved of one thing…a little personal, but….when I saw Prince of Ties…I thought what a catchy name for a website or blog for fly tying…so, I queried Google Images and low and behold it was a bondage site…wow, I thought what a diverse guy….fly tying and gal tying….well I can see you don’t have time for such shenanigans under the wife’s watchful eye. You do live in the heart and soul of it all don’t you? Best wishes….


  48. Got some great reads here. Good solid information, and good perspectives on a range of topics. I am a student at PSU originally from Canada. I have yet to lay a line in Oregon but hope to in Spring. I have tied for 5 years but have fished much longer with my uncles and brothers, and they taught me that the one you want to listen to is the one with the passion for the sport, not just the knowledge. You have both! Thanks for the link…..worth following.


    1. Very kind of you…thank you for visiting. There are a few fisheries open year round worth a shot if you dress warm (Deschutes R., Crooked River, Middle Fork Willamette). Good luck!!


  49. You are very talented and you know what to glean from other writers and contributors. A VERY interesting and much appreciated site. Thanks!!
    I like the stiries of my home state, and the memories they evoke. Great stuff–very informative!


  50. Thank you visiting and for the nice compliments. Yes, I try to give fly size and in time (if you tied) you would also tell by the jaws of the vise and the hackle pliars the scale of the fly. I appreciate the comment though because I don’t provide enough detail about hooks. I don’t because world wide there are so many brands…none the less, I should provide hook size. Thanks for the advice and share the site.



  51. This is an awesome site! I have read the archives and find a lot to glean from them. I do like the stories and the Montana information. I lived in Helena for many years.

    I like the arm art and the photos of the lakes and streams.

    A lot of talent here. I have been a fly fisherman for a good number of years, and the Montana articles make me want to jump in the old Silvarado and head out!



    1. Many fly fishers were avid gear fishermen OR still dabble with the gear. Truth be told most are not purists but range in the 90+% of purism. Enjoy the pursuit and write with any questions. Thank for visiting.


  52. Creek,
    Thank you for the kind words and support. The picture was a transitory moment in time…the razor has re-emerged and the more clean cut SwittersB is present. But, I did look damn good didn’t I?


  53. Great blog – love the informative content! I’ve added your link to my blogroll. Please check me out at http://stflyfisher.wordpress.com/. If you like what you read, I’d appreciate the honor of an add of my blog to your blogroll. Any feedback would also be more than welcome.

    Tight lines…



  54. Last Sunday on the Yellowstone near Reedpoint was thinking about ya and hoping we could host you for some fishing on the Yellowstone, Bighorn and Stillwater. Day was cold and rainy and we were teaching one of the boys how to fly cast and fish. It was slow but fun! The browns are staging in the lower Stillwater and hope to get some good action now that the water temps are going down. Say hello to MJ and the boys!



    1. So darn good to hear from you!!! Take a good pic and send this way with details. Love to all. Too soon for early darkness let alone snow.


  55. This is by far the best site for our beloved passion of fly fishing.Pat Your self on the back. It;s well deserved………… A fly fishing enthusiast!


  56. Hi,
    I enjoyed your site. I am also a fly fisherman. Love it! Just got back from fishing Montana. The Clark Fork, Madison, Gallatin, Missouri headwaters, Yellowstone, Big Horn. What a blast! My blog is more of a writing nature (my novel) but I write about the outdoors and fishing for a couple of other websites. Keep going! It’s very interesting. Thanks,
    Jerry Watson


  57. I am interested in the photo of the guys cliff jumping. I’d like to use it in an art design. Do you know who it belongs to?


    1. Hello Jonna,
      You know, I usually attribute such photos’s but didn’t there. I searched through 39 pages of Google images with no success…I have searched web but that is a bit daunting. I cannot attribute it to original source and it seems only linked to me at swittersb. I, of course, have no problem with its use. Sorry I cannot be of more assistance.



    2. Also, I checked Flickr Cliff Jumping. Did not find it, but there were some sequential, non backlit images that are interesting.


  58. Hi Gary
    Luv your website, great stuff. I have noticed that you have posted a couple of articles from mine and have give due credit “Thank you very much”. For your interest we have just posted a story on The Erne its Legions and it Fly fishing 1851 I think you will find it interesting. The flies featured in this very old and scarce classic were tied by Bob Frandsen I hope you enjoy the read.
    Cheers from Down Under
    Mick Hall


    1. Brian…you’re a slut! That form of overstimulation can lead to all manner of social degeneracy and thought disorders! How do you live with yourself? SB


  59. Hey Gazza,
    Your site came up in my Google alerts and had no Idea you had written such a fantastic review on My Blog http://pikeflyfishingarticles.blogspot.com.(So Thank you)
    I have just spent the last hour having a look around yours mate and have to say I am very impressed with yours too. I will put it in My blog roll now as it looks like I will be popping in whenever you have a new blog entry.
    Thanks again good sir
    Hope you have a fantastic weekend with family or friends
    & tite linz


  60. You should come back to FlyBC.ca and start posting again. We always appreciate your irreverent humour.

    I’ve started my own blog and came across your site when I was setting up on MBL. Great stuff. Love the recent fly photos.

    Aaron (aka skunkaroo)


    1. Aaron,
      thank you for the kind words…I will check out your blog…good luck with it too!! Gary (SwitterB)


  61. I drop in to browse around, probably once a week. I like the fly patterns because I am just getting into fly tying and fly fishing after a very long absence. It seems like I am learning everything all over again. It is wonderful just getting out to a lake to float around.
    Great site.

    Mission, BC Canada.


  62. I enjoy your site very much! You are fortunate to have some talented writers / fishermen blogging for you. Come check out my site when you have time I can always use honest opinions.


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